I've started this blog to correspond with an exploration of charitable non-profit organizations and advocacy writing (read: its actually homework and my professor is making me).
Ideally, this blog will be a way for me to explore and reflect on things that are going on in the world as well as a way to fulfill the criteria of a class assignment. The requirements include reflecting on the research we do for Writing For Change (the class), but I think doing just that certainly limits my audience.
I don't really want to start going off on a rant about the American Red Cross burning donated blankets (Yeah, that happened. They didn't have enough room to store them over the summer. Like, what?) without also explaining that one thing to consider before donating or volunteering your work or writing talents for a non profit is the non profit's ethical practices. While my classmates would know that relates to the study, any one else may not.
That said, any time I'm being crazy, feel free to comment for clarification. Even if you are a classmate and should know better.
Perhaps I should also add a warning that I'm not always the most formal person, so some posts may be less professional sounding and a little more tongue in cheek. I hope. I don't want to be boring!
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